Today I shoud create a new weblog. At first Tthat sounded strange to me. My friends and I use Facebook, Instegram, Telegram (this sentence seems incomplete. It is usually 'use something to do something or for something) .
When I was 15yeras years old,(missing space)I created a weblog and I just copied news from x other webpages to my blogy. I didn't like that.(missing space)There was no innovation in my blog. But now I want to write about different things.(missing space)tThis is like my daily bookdiary. This is going to be interesting when I look back in the future as I will understand how my ideas evolved over time.
To Study:
Specifically the part that talks about "When to use capital letters in grammar'
When I was 15
To Study:
Specifically the part that talks about "When to use capital letters in grammar'
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